Eucharist (from the greek word eucharistia, "thankfulness")
The sacrament in which the true Body and Blood of Christ, who is truly and substantially present under the appearance of bread and wine, is received in holy Commuinon.
~ Bread and wine
~ Words of institution: "This is my body...This is my blood."
First Eucharist – Children
Children must be baptized before beginning preparation for this sacrament. Typically children begin a two year preparation for eucharist in beginning in grade one.
For more information on preparing your child please contact Maryjane Ciesluk the director of religious education at: 508-829-4508, ext. 12, or email her at [email protected].
First Eucharist – Adults
Adults interested in receiving eucharist would be welcomed into our RCIA Program (the rite of christian initiation).
Please contact Deacon John Ladroga for more information at: [email protected]