but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Time, Talent and Treasure—Putting God First!
As parishioners of St. Mary’s we believe that Stewardship is the direct response of a grateful heart for all the gifts that have been bestowed on us by God. It is the willingness to give back to God of ourselves.
Time—is from God. We only have the moment we are in, use every moment you have to help those around you, be Christ like!
Talents—Talents are a gift from God, we can use our talents to teach Religious Education, to lead a prayer group, to sing or to proclaim the word of God. We all have many given talents, and should not be afraid to use them.
Treasure—Return to God what you have been blessed with. Share your treasure with others, and you will be blessed.